Everyone has a Voice. Amplify Yours.
Growing up in a small town where no one looked like me, I fled to my imagination for comfort and safety. I would picture a world with my name in lights, my experiences validated, and my voice amplified. I started this Youtube channel as another effort to inspire and motivate others to pursue their dreams.
The creative and inspirational power of storytelling is something I strongly believe in and I hope these videos bring light to your life. Eventually, I will have my own production studio bringing healing, art, and justice to the big screen. In the meantime, enjoy these videos!
Colonized minds are often hard for us to spot because they often operate unconsciously and subconsciously and are reinforced by the sociopolitical landscape and institutional structure of our society. The main idea is that while physical imperialism ended centuries ago, mental colonization continues in the present moment.
Here is your complete guide to setting up a Twitter account in the academic/science space! This is definitely geared towards beginners and earlyish career professionals but anyone can benefit. Stay tuned as I will continue to talk about online presence as an academic, meshing your Purpose x Professional x Passion, and more!
From being Rejected to EVERY Clinical Psych PhD Program to Accepted to an Ivy League in ONE YEAR!
No joke- applying to PhD programs is ridiculously hard. When it comes to counseling/clinical psychology PhD programs, the acceptance rate is typically between 1%-8%. This is my story of how I went from being rejected from every program to receiving 9 interview invitations and 6 acceptances just a year later! This is YOUR YEAR.
Why is it that we're quick to talk about dieting, working out, and investing in our physicality yet quiet when it comes to investing in our mental fitness? Mental health has such a stigma in the Black community and it's my life's mission to change that. Step 1? Getting my own therapist!
I didn't expect to open up like this on camera but here we are. Since getting accepted to graduate school, I've been feeling some HEAVY impostor syndrome. I'm reluctant to tell people I'm getting my PhD because I don't think they'll believe me! I feel so called to be here but while my heart affirms my purpose, my head questions it. Overcommitting myself to "make up" for my imperfections, feeling like a failure, and feeling dejected about the loss of a "real" graduate school experience are all hitting me pretty hard right now.
I am excited to share with you all 5 very important insights I've made while working!
The Pandemic has derailed a few of my plans for this summer to say the least!
Back to School Grad School Edition: School Supplies, Pandemics, and Pre-PhD Anxiety
What to Know About Impostor Syndrome: Who can have it? What are the 5 Types? How do we Combat it?
Becoming a World Changer Part 1: Awakening your Inner Activist
What does it mean to label yourself as an activist? How do you find your appropriate medium for activism? How do we push past the barriers that have prevented us from going all-in? This video describes why we feel called to change the world and how to uncover our inner activist.
Starting a PhD Online | Initial Thoughts and Reactions to Virtual Learning & Moving in with Parents
"Dear Teachers College, Columbia University students, faculty, and staff, I am writing today to share an update on our plans for the start of the 2020-2021 academic year. We have decided that instruction for fall classes will be delivered online...."
Well, that's not the news I was hoping for! I've spent months dreaming of living in the city....a place that has restaurants open past 8pm. I was looking forward to making new friends, breaking free from this small town, and experiencing the wonders of NYC. As much as it sucks, there's definitely a silver lining. As always, rejection is simply redirection!!